17 Aug 2018 With Python, we can simply pass the bucket name, key, and local file path in the upload function on the S3 object (see here). Downloading is
25 Feb 2016 A protip by alexisraca about rails, download, files, and javascript. There's a problem some times involving download files on browsers, mostly when trying to use javascript like Backbone.js, the path to the url; options. Open Rails Pickens Railroad Expansion for the NAVS 70-ton Plate B boxcar kit. files for this route, the core route files available in separate download. It can download files into IO objects, or directly to files on the local file system. It can even downloader = sftp.download("/path/to/remote.txt", "/path/to/local.txt"). 23 Aug 2018 Learn about Ruby on Rails i18n by localizing a sample app. config/routes.rb; Rails.application.routes.draw do; resources :feedbacks will be used to upload and download translation files; Open your personal profile page, 16 Aug 2018 Active Storage makes it simple to upload and reference files in cloud services, like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure 27 Jan 2012 But we recently encountered an issue with a very Ajaxy Rails app where Ajaxy Rails app where we need to test a file download and assert its content. 10 PATH = Rails.root.join("tmp/downloads") extend self def downloads 14 Sep 2015 How to test CSV file download in Capybara and RSpec? TIMEOUT = 1 PATH = Rails.root.join("tmp/downloads") extend self def downloads
A rails-like router for Middleman projects. Contribute to kohactive/middleman-router development by creating an account on GitHub. Generate a ES6 module that contains Rails routes. Contribute to increments/js_rails_routes development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to francesc/rails-translate-routes development by creating an account on GitHub. TSRE5 is a route editor tool used for editing routes for Microsoft Train Simulator for use with MSTS and Open Rails. This is the print version of Ruby on Rails You won't see this message or any elements not part of the book's content when you print or preview this page. Open JOSM and select from menu Edit > Preferences, then there Plugins > Download list. Check public_transport in the list. application server, for Ruby on Rails,
1 Jul 2013 Here is a simple approach of how to get it in a Ruby on Rails based File.open(file_path) send_file file.path, type: 'image/jpeg', x_sendfile: true 22 Jun 2019 Learn how to export records into CSV files using Ruby on Rails. Add a route to point to your controller; Add a model with the class method to_csv should display the response as a file attachment (i.e. in a download dialog) Open Rails is just what the name implies - a railroad simulation platform that's open for inspection, open for continuous File, Description, Downloads 25 Aug 2015 Many pages allow sharing their content, and Rails has a nice This is even more important with files download process, because it can It should get the file name and check if the basename matches the path to that file, and 16 Dec 2018 File Name: Open Rails Utility - UKFS-Fix2 by slipperman; Submitted: 02 2018 - 06:24 AM; File Size: 618.26K (Estimated Download Times); Views This was first noticed in the Open Rails demo route, which is an extract 7 Oct 2014 Large Rails apps have a way of gathering cruft. One popular cruft So from time to time it's worth checking the routes file and tidying things up.
Easy integration between AngularJS and Rails. Contribute to silentlight/ngnrails development by creating an account on GitHub.
Cache expensive rails routes files to speed up rails stack Clone or download David McCullars Bugfix: Can not use __FILE__ and must determine routes file 10 Dec 2018 Displaying, downloading and streaming files with Active Storage @model.image.attach(io: File.open("/path/to/file.jpg"), filename: "pic.jpg", see it on master here https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/activestorage/lib/ 27 Dec 2013 I don't like hotlinking. Being dependent on someone's else infrastructure makes me a bit worried. Especially when I don't know who this 17 Jan 2017 Learn how to export records into CSV files using Ruby on Rails. Add a route to point to your controller; Add a model with the class method to_csv should display the response as a file attachment (i.e. in a download dialog) 10 Jan 2019 Handling File Upload Using Ruby on Rails 5 API default_url is also an optional parameter used to specify the path of a default image that will 13 Oct 2015 So how do you send a large file with Rails without bogging down the app If so, it uses this mapping to transform the send_file path into a URI r/rails: A subreddit for discussion and news about Ruby on Rails development. I believe the download attribute needs to be a string containing the file name first 3ish models before even working on basic controller actions, routes, tests etc.